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A Pooled Analysis of Vitamin D Dose Requirements for Fracture Prevention
This article in The New England Journal of Medicine focuses on the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and fracture reduction.
Web link    Date Added: 07/11/2012    Date Last Modified: Jul 11 2012 12:00AM  
About Older Adult Fall Prevention
This Centers for Disease Control website includes expert commentary, facts, news releases, resources and tools (e.g., STEADI for providers) for health care providers and individuals.
Web link    Date Added: 07/15/2020    Date Last Modified: Jul 31 2024 12:42PM  
Antidepressant Prescriptions: An Acute Window for Falls in the Nursing Home
Published in the Journals of Gerentology, this article features a study to determine the effect of an antidepressant prescription change on fall risk.
Web link    Date Added: 01/12/2012    Date Last Modified: Jan 12 2012 12:00AM  
CAPTURE Falls Post Fall Huddle – Bad Example
This video provides an example of an ineffective post-fall huddle.
Video    Date Added: 03/07/2024    Date Last Modified: Mar 7 2024 10:24AM  
CAPTURE Falls Post Fall Huddle – Good Example
This video provides an example of an ideal post-fall huddle.
Video    Date Added: 03/07/2024    Date Last Modified: Mar 7 2024 10:23AM  
Effectiveness of a Therapeutic Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi) Intervention to Prevent Falls
In a randomized clinical trial involving 670 adults 70 years or older with a history of falls or impaired mobility, the therapeutic tai ji quan (Tai Chi) intervention effectively reduced falls by 58% compared with the stretching exercise (control intervention) and by 31% compared with a multi-modal exercise intervention.
Web link    Date Added: 01/24/2020    Date Last Modified: Dec 13 2021 12:12PM  
Effectiveness of Hip Protectors to Reduce Risk for Hip Fracture from Falls in Long-Term Care
A study in 14 nursing homes reported in The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine found that hip protectors were worn in 60% of falls, and the risk of hip fracture was reduced by nearly threefold by wearing a hip protector at the time of falling.
Web link    Date Added: 03/10/2020    Date Last Modified: Mar 10 2020 1:27PM  
Fall Assessment & Huddle
TMF Health Quality Institute, in conjunction with the University of Nebraska, developed this document to help facilities document the incident of a fall and begin the root cause analysis by use of a team huddle.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 02/25/2014    Date Last Modified: Mar 24 2022 10:57AM  
Health Matters: benefits of hip protectors
This video describes the benefits of hip protectors based on a study in 14 nursing homes. The study found that hip protectors were worn in 60% of falls, and the risk of hip fracture was reduced by nearly threefold by wearing a hip protector at the time of falling. (video time 4:39)
Video    Date Added: 03/10/2020    Date Last Modified: Mar 10 2020 1:31PM  
Long‐Term Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Therapy and Falls and Fractures in Elderly Women: A Prospective Cohort Study
Published in the 2014 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, this study found that “Elderly women on long‐term PPI therapy, already at a high risk of falling, doubled their 5‐year risk of a injurious fall or fracture‐related hospitalization, while in a second younger group increased the 9‐month self‐reported falls risk by 57%.” Read the full article here.
Web link    Date Added: 07/27/2018    Date Last Modified: Jul 27 2018 12:00AM  
LTC Connect: Fall Reduction and ADLs – Helping to Prevent ED Visits
This Aug. 17, 2023, recording explores how assessing fall risks and improving activities of daily living (ADL) performance can prevent emergency department (ED) visits and hospital readmissions. TMF Quality Innovation Network–Quality Improvement Organization specialists discuss appropriate interventions along with creative strategies that nursing homes can apply right away.
Video    Date Added: 08/24/2023    Date Last Modified: Dec 20 2023 10:30AM  
Nursing Home Connect: Don’t Fall for Psychotropics!
Watch this Oct. 17, 2024, Nursing Home Connect webinar recording to learn about evidence-based recommendations, tools and resources to help with the prevention of falls by decreasing the number of antipsychotics, antianxiety and hypnotic medications for nursing home residents.
Video    Date Added: 10/24/2024    Date Last Modified: Oct 24 2024 7:33AM  
Oct. 17 Nursing Home Connect: Don’t Fall for Psychotropics
This is the PDF handout from the TMF QIN-QIO's recorded webinar, "Don’t Fall for Psychotropics."
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 10/14/2024    Date Last Modified: Oct 14 2024 3:55PM  
Post-Fall Huddle Guide & Facilitator Tips
This document supports and guides the nursing home huddle facilitator in the use of the Fall Assessment and Huddle tool.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 06/29/2020    Date Last Modified: Jun 29 2020 5:00PM  
Promoting Positive Behavioral Health: A Non-pharmacologic Toolkit for Senior Living Communities
This toolkit, prepared for the Commonwealth Fund in collaboration with the Hartford Foundation, provides information on non-pharmacological approaches that are effective in reducing the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia exhibited by persons residing in nursing homes.
Web link    Date Added: 12/18/2013    Date Last Modified: Feb 21 2023 6:31PM  
STEADI—Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries
This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiative can be used to help reduce fall risk among older residents.
Web link    Date Added: 09/11/2023    Date Last Modified: Sep 11 2023 4:46PM  
Tai Chi Principles for Falls Prevention in Older People
This document from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides suggestions for incorporating Tai Chi principles into your facility's care program. These principles specifically target preventing falls in older people.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 09/12/2016    Date Last Modified: Sep 11 2023 4:41PM