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Applying the Stages of Change
This Motivational Interviewing chart provides clear actions to take to assist nursing home residents in the vaccine decision-making process.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/24/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:38AM  
Explore Readiness for Change
Asking open-ended questions is a Motivational Interviewing technique to assist communicating with decision-makers. These questions help you gain insight to understand their knowledge, perspectives and emotions. A Decision Balance worksheet is also included to plot and visualize the positives and negatives.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/16/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:39AM  
Motivational Interviewing Badge Buddy
Cut out these Badge Buddy Motivational Interviewing reminders to insert in nursing home staff badge holders.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/25/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 9:04AM  
Motivational Interviewing Flowchart
This tool can be useful in approaching discussions about vaccinations such as COVID-19, flu, pneumonia, etc.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 10/25/2023    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:43AM  
Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior
Informational book that focuses on motivational interviewing and how to recognize patterns or styles of communication between health care professionals and patients, and then apply them to practice.
Web link    Date Added: 03/23/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:50AM  
Motivational Interviewing Quick Reference Tool for Nursing Home Staff
This tip sheet provides an at-a-glance overview of Motivational Interviewing techniques such as RULE, OARS and leaning into resistance.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/24/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:38AM  
Motivational Interviewing Strategies for Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
Motivational interviewing, a collaborative conversation style for strengthening motivation and commitment to change, may serve as an effective approach to mitigate vaccine hesitancy in the clinical setting.
Web link    Date Added: 10/03/2022    Date Last Modified: Aug 27 2024 1:08PM  
Motivational Interviewing Tips in 10 Podcast #1: Giving GRACE
In this first episode of a four-part series, TMF QIN-QIO specialists introduce the concept of motivational interviewing and the GRACE tool, which uses nonjudgmental conversation to help someone understand their own “why” for making a change.
Podcast    Date Added: 01/04/2023    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:45AM  
Motivational Interviewing Tips in 10 Podcast #2: Moving Forward with OARS
Without using the basic motivationaI interviewing skills, you can miss an opportunity to help someone make a change. This episode discusses how to communicate to quickly build trust and rapport, enabling you to understand motivation and the factors making change difficult.
Podcast    Date Added: 01/11/2023    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:44AM  
Motivational Interviewing Tips in 10 Podcast #3: Relating with RULEs
Listening with empathy and understanding allows others to get unstuck, clarify values, explore the pros and cons of tough decisions and open doorways to change. This episode provides easy-to-use tactics to help with the willingness to explore options and gain vaccine acceptance.
Podcast    Date Added: 01/18/2023    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:44AM  
Motivational Interviewing Tips in 10 Podcast #4: Adopting the DARN CAT
The ultimate goal in using MI is to empower others in developing change talk. The more change talk that people do, the more likely they are to commit to different behaviors. This final episode covers skills to help others recognize their need for change and begin planning for action.
Podcast    Date Added: 01/25/2023    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:43AM  
Motivational Interviewing Toolkit
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a collaborative conversation style for strengthening motivation and commitment to change. TMF's MI Toolkit includes trainings, fact sheets, videos and audio podcasts to help you utilize effective techniques.
Web link    Date Added: 03/28/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:41AM  
Motivational Interviewing: Applying the CDC’s Guideline for Prescribing Opioids
Web-based training from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on motivational interview techniques as part of its guidelines for prescribing opioids series.
Video    Date Added: 03/24/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:49AM  
Motivational Interviewing: Strategies for Tobacco Cessation and Management of Cardiovascular Health
This webinar from Dec. 11, 2018, discusses motivational interview strategies in regards to tobacco cessation and the management of cardiovascular health.
Video    Date Added: 12/11/2018    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:50AM  
Nursing Home Office Hours: Motivational Interviewing Series Finale
This Oct. 4, 2022, recording closes out the TMF QIN-QIO series on Motivational Interviewing with developing a plan for change. COVID-19 vaccination decisions must be followed up with a plan that details goals, barriers and solutions, and breaks the action into small steps. TMF specialists provide practical tools to help accomplish this. Download the PDF handout at
Video    Date Added: 10/05/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:45AM  
Nursing Home Office Hours: Motivational Interviewing Session 1
This Sept. 13, 2022, recorded event begins a four-session series focused on Motivational Interviewing. TMF QIN-QIO specialists share a variety of tools and strategies to help you evoke people’s priorities, experiences and ideas for behavior change, including exploring COVID-19 vaccine acceptance.
Video    Date Added: 09/14/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:48AM  
Nursing Home Office Hours: Motivational Interviewing Session 2
In this Sept. 20, 2022, recording, TMF Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) specialists teach basic communication skills to quickly build trust and rapport, enabling you to understand motivation and all the factors making change difficult. Viewers also learn how to apply these concepts to conversations about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. Download the PDF handout at
Video    Date Added: 09/21/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:47AM  
Nursing Home Office Hours: Motivational Interviewing Session 3
This Sept. 27, 2022, recording discusses how to manage resistance to change. You will learn skills to help others get unstuck, clarify values, explore the pros and cons of tough decisions, and create “change talk.” These easy-to-use tactics can help gain COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Download the PDF handout at
Video    Date Added: 10/03/2022    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:47AM  
Questions to Explore COVID-19 Vaccination
Using open-ended questions to understand knowledge, perspectives and emotions is an important Motivational Interviewing (MI) technique. Use this MI tool to help address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/23/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:38AM  
Readiness Ruler
A Readiness Ruler is a Motivational Interviewing tool to help nursing home residents think about their readiness, confidence or importance for engaging in change. This ruler can be used to determine next steps in considering any therapeutic recommendation, behavior change or decision affecting daily life.
Adobe PDF    Date Added: 04/16/2024    Date Last Modified: Apr 25 2024 8:40AM